Monday, 14 October 2013

Sharing is Caring - Social Collaboration for Solicitors

Our Enterprise Social Network, HSL Workshare, has now been live for six months. To mark our half anniversary we held a webinar for current and new users. We wanted to share the reasons why we felt the need to launch our own bespoke ESN, when strong public networks such as LinkedIn and free source build your own platforms like Yammer already exist. We also wanted to understand what benefits our users get from collaborating and what our growing user base wants to see next on HSL Workshare.

Having spoken to many small law firms over the last few years there are a number of areas where collaborating with other like minded professionals can really help. There are also a number of areas where collaborating by joining with a larger network is a total waste of time and money.

HSL Workshare is focussed on three main areas; Networking, Training, Procurement

Networking - HSL Workshare allows our member firms to share ideas and strategy with each other. Problems shared often make them easier to deal with, especially when you know that others have similar issues and maybe solutions that work for you too. Member firms can also promote their areas of expertise to other users and attract work from firms that don't do what they do.

Training - HSL Workshare provides a place for receiving training and development both through structured webinars and documents stored online as well as receiving tips and advice on various practice areas and strategic disciplines including marketing and management.

Procurememt - Small law firms have little bargaining power in purchasing the ongoing services they need to be in business and serve their clients. As a network of small law firms, we are able to provide discounted services to our members via HSL Workshare.

HighStreeetLawyer, through HSL Workshare is dedicated to giving small law firms a fighting chance at improving their workflow, management efficiency and service delivery. They don't join a brand, lose independence or pass hard earned cash to a marketing organisation. In essence, HSL Workshare is like one of our HighStreetLawyer Strategy Days, all day every day.

Even though it is free to use, you can only join if you have received an invite. Drop me a line at if you want to see if the hype is true.